Posted in Big words for a long day, MOM O' CLOCK


Hello dear mothers!
Today I am posting a message of encouragement from my friend Nydia.

I felt the article “strenght for each day” as a message from mother to mother and that’s why I post it as she gave it to me. I hope it will be a blessing and an encouragement to each one of you.

Dear mom are you hearing God’s message? Before we can even get to mothering and training our dear precious children, we need to take care of business with God. We need to take care of our own hearts. We are to love and obey His Word. His Word is to reside in our hearts. It really is all about us as moms and our hearts. If our hearts are filled with love from the Lord and with His instructions, then we can successfully teach God’s Word to our children. What happens to us moms when we don’t take time to nurture our hearts?

We run on empty

When we are spiritually running on empty, our hearts are hollow in numb. without spiritual refuelling our parenting is empty. All becomes dull and devoid of spiritual energy, purpose, motivation and accomplishment in both, parent and Child.

We also become heartless

If we are heartless, our parenting becomes heartless and rote. We unconsciously put ourselves and our child-raising on autopilot. We find ourselves giving in and giving up the fight for godly standards and behaviour. We failed to make the effort to see that we live out God’s calling to be mom’s after Him. We fail to make sure our children hearts are being continually molded heavenward.

We become worldly

If we are preoccupied with the things of this world, our parenting becomes wordly. We will fail to hold the line tight on conduct, choices and discipline. The things of this world will creep into our homes and into our children’s hearts.

We become carnal and unspiritual

If we are fulfilling the last of the flesh instead of walking in the spirit (Galations 5:16), our parenting will show it. As Paul points out ” the works of the flesh are evident”(vs 19). There will be screaming, yelling, belttling, name-calling, maybe even the slapping or shaking or pushing of children around.

Do you make time to read God’s word everyday, every morning? How do you begin your day? For top performance refuel daily from God’s word. The degree of our spiritual strength will be in direct proportion to the time we spend in God’s word. Do you wake up with a hunger for God’s Word? A Hunger to know what He wants to say to you personally. The excellent and godly mother in Proverbs 31:10-31 rose up each day to tend to the fire of the house (vs 15)… and to the ”sacred fire” of her heart (vs 30). Won`t you do the same?

The Bible is the ultimate book on parenting, and is you look to it for help, you will find the words of Isaiah 30:21 to be true: ” this is the way, wolk in it!”

God’s words will guide you each step of the way through each day.

Tip: set your alarm clock 30 minutes earlier and have your quiet time with the Lord.

I would be so grateful if you would leave us your opinion on these words. Were they helpful? Would you like to receive such articles again?

We would love to hear your questions about parenting. And we will pray and try to answer you as best we can, referring to God’s commandments.

With joy,
Oana and the happy dwalfs

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