Posted in Big words for a small day, KIDS O' CLOCK

Let’s grow like green plants

Hi, dear children!

Can raising children compare to growing green planets? Let’s find out together how to grow green, beautiful plants and especially: why do plants need to grow and give us the long-awaited fruits?

A plant cannot stand still, either grow and grow, or wither and die.

But let’s start with the beginning!

The first time, the seed is planted and begins to grow, then it grows and grows. In the same way we must grow spiritually.

And just as plants begin to develop their roots in the ground, so must we grow, where people cannot see that we will grow, inside.

What do plants need to grow?

Exact! Whether we are talking about indoor plants, potted plants, climbing plants, medicinal plants or any form of green plants, I know you learned in school that they need the sun, with its light, and raindrops, don’t you? Let’s look at these plants as they grow.

The roots grow bigger and bigger, and the plant pushes, pushes the soil, until it comes out. This plant does not get stuck, but is full of life, healthy and grows in the sun and light.

Why do plants wither?

My dear children, so let us go every day in the light of the Lord Jesus to grow. Look at this poor sunflower, grew then died.

What came into the life of this green plant could be a beetle, a worm or a snail.


This beetle looks so beautiful, but it will definitely kill the plant. Sometimes the farmer comes and looks at the plant and wonders, what happened to this plant? I gave her everything she needed to grow and be full of life, but she withered.


Look at this worm, how fat has it become? Because he eats, he eats the plant.


There is also the snail that leaves a mark behind it, where he eats the plant. Some sins are like that, they leave traces.

Pride may be like a beautiful beetle, but it will destroy you and your life as it destroyed this plant. You can see where the snail is going, maybe your parents can go where you went through the house, because you left a mess behind you, you were mean to your grandmother, you beat your younger brothers, and you look like a plant that has begun to be eaten by snails.

Maybe your life is full of fat worms. You can tell lies, steal, have bitterness and hatred in your heart, that eats you like a worm.

Lack of nutrients

Or maybe you don’t feed yourself properly, a plant needs good nutrients from the soil to grow, otherwise you dry out.

We need to feed on what is good and nutritious, a plant needs nutrients. But it is sad if a plant does not have sun and water. So you, when you have no sun and no spiritual water, your life will look like a dry plant.

Ugly, right? Would you like to look like that ?!


There are other things that can grow and suffocate the good plant, such as weeds.

They eat the food of the good plant. In the same way, quarrels between brothers and sisters ruin the good plant that God has put in place to grow in us. But you, if you want the plant to grow, you have to take the weeds out. Be careful to dig deep until you remove the weed roots, otherwise it will grow again.

Do you know how to remove weeds? Confessing your sins, saying: I was wrong!

And when the weeds are out and the beetles are driven away, the worms are taken down, and the snails are destroyed, you need the spiritual rain – the Word of God. We must pray and talk to God, and let God speak to us … If you have been disrespectful and mischievous you must, go ask for forgiveness and begin to respect those around you. In the same way, we must respect God and give Him what He deserves, our whole hearts. Respect those in your home. Respect can be shown in many ways: being helpful, being good, being tidy, even in your bedroom.

Then you will be like a plant that grows and grows and grows.

Let the Lord Jesus show you if there is a beetle or a worm, a snail or a weed in your life. And just as the farmer saw the plant grow, let those around you see that you too will grow.

It will be as we read in 2 Peter 3:18

“… but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.”

Knowing Jesus is like having that ray of sunshine that shines in our lives and you will grow in His grace, becoming a great, beautiful and healthy plant.

I can’t wait to hear the answer to the questions I asked you above. You can leave me your answer in the section below 🙂

Also, if you want to talk to someone, don’t forget, we are here for you!

With joy,
Oana and the happy dwalfs

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