One day talking to Nydia, a dear friend of mine, I asked her how she had managed to instill such a great love for God in the hearts of her children. And she answered me sincerely, as you will read in the following, that she always talks to her children about God.
What does an ordinary day in a mother’s life look like?
What does your average day look like? It is very, very busy, right? Most Moms begin with the sound of an alarm clock… on a crying baby. Then things begin to roll… there are others to wake up, breakfast to prepare, people to get settled or out of the door and off the work of school, household takes to take care of, not to mention errands, evening meal preparations, carpooling, extracurricular activities for everyone, home-schooling… and perhaps even your own job. Well, in the midst of all the above -and more!- God helps you to do two things at the same time. All of the busyness of your personal and family life must be managed and taken care of, BUT so must teaching your children about our almighty God.
Do you need special training to be a good Christian mother?
God doesn’t require that you have any special giftedness, training, degrees or abilities. No, regardless of your are bringing or education, you can efficiently point your little (and big!) ones hearts toword God. Do you want to children to love God? Then talk about Him! When you don’t talk about God, you send a loud message to your children that God really isn’t that important. Because we talk about what’s important to us.
Use the context of daily life as opportunities to teach about God and talk of Him. Focus all of everyday life on Him and His teachings. For example: you might be preparing a meal together or setting the table with the children. Remind them that God care of His own, that He promises to supply all your needs. Share with them that’s if they hunger and thirst righteousness they shall be filled and they will be blessed. (Matthew 5:6)
Are all the children getting along with each other? Whether they are -or aren`t- speak constantly of God’s instructions to be kind to others, to do others (including their brothers and sisters) whatever they would want done to them.
The Bible say that the godly (that should be you, mom!) are to meditate on the scriptures at all times. And the Bible says you, precious mom after God’s own heart, are to talk of Him day and night to children.
At what age should we start talking to our children about God?
It is never too early…
A world-famous violin teacher in Japan relieved that the earlier a child is exposed to music, the better a musician he will be. Dr. Shinichi Suyuki stated that: ”just as a child gestures, you can also imitate music” he then prescribed: ”for this reason it is extremely important that the child hear nothing but good music from a very early age”.
Here is a man, a teacher of music saying how important it is to begin children’s music career at the very young age in order for them to become the BEST!
How much more important -no, critical!- it is that our children who come to us from the mind and heart and hand of God hear nothing but good in our Christian homes. The Apostle Paul wrote concerning Timothy, ”that from childhood you have known the holy scriptures” (2 Timothy 3:15) I prayed the same will be true of you and your family.
How are we to talk off Him day and night if we are not constantly preoccupied that our lives are pleasing to Him in all that we do and say. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of. Dear mother, test and examine your heart.
Is it too late to start talking to children today about God if I haven’t done so before?
… and it’s never too late
Determine right this second to begin talking about the things of God. He will be faithful to honor and bless your obedience to follow his word. Thank God for what you are learning now… today. Don’t become immobilised by past failures or inactivity. Confess them, then with newfound vitality and renewed vigor start talking to your children about God.
Dear mother, wherever you are, I hope these thoughts have caught you well.
I wish you to receive from above much, much faith, encouragement, and strength to speak to your children about our God.
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With joy,
Oana and the happy dwarfs