Today I want to tell you a story about a little girl who asked for something from God. Did she receive it?
Home pool
We live in interesting times, of social distance … And yet the pandemic cannot take away the imagination that God has gifted us with, isn`t it?
Milk, dye, dishwashing detergent and ear sticks :)
Here is a simple experiment, which you can get at home, with a minimum of effort, which will leave many wow`s and smiles on the faces of the little ones, but also for the older ones.
What language do you speak?
I struggle to stay authentic. Because: a child may not hear what I am saying, but they will certainly see what I am doing.
How to find true happiness?
Small or big, young or old, introverted or extroverted, we long for happiness, we seek it, we follow it, we run after it. But where, how can I find true happiness?
Who will you feed?
A good friend of mine once told me that two wolves live in each of us. Yes, you heard well – two wolves! One white and one black.
Since then I’ve been thinking about these two wolves … Hm, what comes first in your mind when you hear the word “wolf”?
Bible shaped cake
She made a cake in the shape of the Bible, fulfilling her mission to bring the gospel to as many people as possible, even to her examiners.
How to make a paper airplane?
Game for paper airplanes
A simple game, but one that will test our abilities to hit the target with airplanes. A fun game that we can play both outside and at home, on a rainy day.