Posted in The realistic dreamer, WE O' CLOCK

Dancing rice

Hello everyone!

Dancing rice is a simple and very fun experiment for children, but also for adults. And the best part is that it can be made from simple things you have in the kitchen. 🙂


  • 3/4 of the container fill with water, about 200 ml
  • 1 tablespoon baking soda
  • 2 tablespoons of parboiled rice, with another type of rice may not work
  • 1-2 tablespoons of vinegar

how to proceed

You need a clear glass/container to fill with 3/4 of the water. In the water you can put two or three drops of food coloring to get a more interesting effect.

Add a tablespoon of baking soda and mix well with a tablespoon.

To make it a little more funny, add a splash of your favorite coloring.

Add the two tablespoons of rice.

And now put the two tablespoons of vinegar, or add more if the container is larger.

Watch the rice begin to dance with joy.

I wish you to enjoy this day as much as our dancing rice in its colorful water. But remember that true joy comes only from a pure heart.

What do you say about this simple experiment?
Have you tried it too? Did you manage to make the rice dance?
Please do not forget to write to us now in the section below.

With joy,
Oana and the happy dwarfs

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