Happy birthday to all mothers in Romania!
Although officially Mother’s Day is celebrated on the first Sunday in May, the Romanian tradition is to celebrate it on March 8, togheter with Women’s Day.
I warn you that this is the longest article on our blog so far, but once you start reading it, you can’t stop. : D
I don’t want my presence to be felt too much in this article and you know why? Because I don’t want to still you time while reading this wonderful interview!
In the lines below you have the opportunity to meet some young mothers. Although they self-acknowledge that they are not perfect, I personally consider them fighters and I greatly appreciate their sincere, authentic and wise answers, from which I think we all have something to learn.
1. How has your life changed since you gave birth?
- I was no longer in the foreground, but the children! Mother, 34 years old, 3 children
- 180 degrees 🙂 Suddenly I cared about my mother, her opinions. I became patient and caring with those around me. (before I had nothing to do with the things mentioned) Alina, 38 years old, 3 children
- In immense happiness! Flore, 33 years old, 1 child
- After I gave birth, I realized that I no longer belong to me, in many ways. 🙂 Andreea S., 32 years old, 3 children
- Totaly, children become the number 1 priority. Right after birth, the baby becomes the “universe” because he is small and helpless and needs love. However, the mother’s heart is full of love for the miracle she received. Not all changes are easy, there is also frustration, fatigue, but for me, the fact that I wanted my children was a great accomplishment. At Sara I was probably younger and more unconscious, but at Stefan, waiting so long for him, I totally dedicated myself, I abandoned at that moment all my plans and desires for the future and I focused on him, being conscious the fact that it’s a short time that passes very quickly in which he needs me so much. Rebeca, 35 years old, 2 children
- The first time I laid eyes on my first born baby, a deep love filled my heart. Yes, we love before having children but the love towards a child is something extremely special, something I never experienced before in my life. My priorities changed suddendly. Now every moment was preoccupied with keeping this little treasure alive and happy. The first few days and months can be very physically challenging especially after what your body has gone through. Lack of sleep and tiredness becomes your constant companion. But, each time you look into the eyes of your precious darling you forget all the sacrifices you have had to make and it becomes the most natural thing in the world. I was filled with a great sense of responsibility to raise my child in a Godly manner, not only caring for his physical needs but most importantly that my children can be in Heaven one day. At times this responsibility can feel overwhelming but God has been there to help me every step of the way, even helping me and caring for me physically. Nydia, 30 years old, 3 children
- After I gave birth, my life changed completely: suddenly it seemed as if the focus had shifted from me to the child, children… I can no longer say that I am the same, motherhood changes you a lot. It adds a new sense, which only a mother knows. Andreea R., 33 years old, 3 children
- Alas, I don’t know, it certainly had a big impact, but I don’t know exactly… the friends and those close to me tell me that I sat down more, before I was very playful, if you understand. It’s as if my life has become more balanced, calmer, more settled, more meaningful! Denisa, 30 years old, 2 children
- Life has become more exciting, more interesting, more beautiful after I gave birth. I entered a new school, where I learn many new things and through which God works to carve, build and grind both me and my children. Roxana, 40 years old, 4 children
2. Has your relationship with your mother changed in any way after you became a mother?
- Yes. Seeing how hard a child grows up, I called her dozens of times to apologize for my disobedience. Mother, 34 years old, 3 children
- Total! My mother even told me that since I became a mother, I got closer to her, we became friends! Alina, 38 years old, 3 children
- From that moment I began to better understand my mother, as a mother. Flore, 33 years old, 1 child
- I’ve always been very close to my mother. I could talk to her about anything. After I had children I continued the same. But I appreciated her even more than I already appreciated her, when I realized her effort for the time when I was too young to realize or thank her. Andreea S., 32 years old, 3 children
- My relationship with my mother has always been very strong and close. I don’t know if it has necessarily changed in any way, we have always been very united. I probably realized her love for me differently, how strong it is (was). Rebeca, 35 years old, 2 children
- . I have always loved my mother deeply. But, when I became a mother I was filled with a new appreciation and respect for her. At times I think, ‘How did my mother manage to do it all?’ I try to practice her methods which she used with my own children. Thankfully I have the privilege of still having my mother and she is just a phone call away. She is always there for me to give me advice and help when I need it. Sometimes I wish she weren’t so far away and could be more involved in my children’s lives but God knows best. Thank the Lord for technology! She has often helped me by teaching my children even telephonically. I had the privilege of having my mom to help me after the birth of all my children. Words can’t express the gratitude of those precious weeks she was with me, teaching me and for all the moral support. The hours she stayed up at night with me helping me care for colicky babies. Thank you Mom! I love you so much! Nydia, 30 years old, 3 children
- My relationship with my mother changed somewhat, because now I understood differently all her effort to raise us, how much she endured and paid for us. I honored and respected her more than I did after I became a mother. Andreea R., 33 years old, 3 children
- I started to understand her better, to appreciate her more and clearly, I always had a topic of discussion, namely the child, how and what she did, how to proceed in different situations. Denisa, 30 years old, 2 children
- Definitely, after I became a mother, I began to appreciate my mother even more; to realize that I have many things to thank my mother for, but also to ask her forgiveness for all those things I saddened her with. Roxana, 40 years old, 4 children
3. What does your mother mean to you?
- Prayers heard! When I give her a call and tell her the problem I’m going through and tell her to pray, I know the problem will be solved. Mother, 34 years old, 3 children
- My mother is my friend, the human where I can go with any problem, with whom I can tell anything because I know she will not criticize me and who always has advice, who helps me in any problem. Alina, 38 years old, 3 children
- Blessing! Flore, 33 years old, 1 child
- For me, my mother means love, wisdom, guidance. When I talk to her I breathe heavenly air, I am charged with positivity, love and courage. Andreea S., 32 years old, 3 children
- My mother was my refuge, a sea of unconditional love, she was my best friend, a pillar, the person who felt with all my heart with me, she knew how to be my fiddle at every moment, my mother was a special love that cannot be described in words and cannot be compared to anything. Rebeca, 35 years old, 2 children
- My mother means the world to me. I can’t imagine in all the world a better mom than my mom. She is my best friend. No matter what age I am, I feel that I will always need my mom. My mother is someone who can take the place of all others but whose place no one else can take. My mother is one of the greatest gifts that God has given me. She is the kindest most unselfish person I know. She made so many sacrifices for me. But, the greatest gift she gave me was to teach me about God and how to live a life pleasing to God. My mother taught by her example. Her life is what preaches, not only her words. She is always there for me, at anytime of the day or night l. She gives me Godly advice and her prayers strengthen my faith. I remember how many times I saw her going on her knees praying for her children. Her love for God and the hours she spent reading her Bible had a great impact on me. I saw that she had a living relationship with God. If you ask me today to define in words what a Christian is, then I would say look at my mother. For her our spiritual life and growth was of greatest importance and the rest came second on the list. She together with my father created a loving, warm and happy home where God was placed in the center of all things. Nydia, 30 years old, 3 children
- What my mother meant to me… is hard to grasp in a few sentences. Now she’s with the Lord forever, that’s why I’m talking about her in the past. But I could write whole books about her and I’m not exaggerating. I would have some stories because she was a heroine mother, special, fighting, trusting in God, full of life and joy, with qualities that you rarely find in many women. A welcoming mother of guests, friendly, sociable, generous, hardworking, loving and yet firm, strong, upright, fearless. That’s it, described super succinctly. Andreea R, 33 years old, 3 children
- My mother is with the Lord now, but she has meant a person who loves me, who counsels me, and who has made me right to be happy in God. Denisa, 30 years old, 2 children
- MOTHER … she is a steady friend, an anchor, an example of gentleness and patience … Roxana, 40 years old, 4 children
4. What does being a mother mean to you?
- I think that’s my purpose. Mother, 34 years old, 3 children
- A responsibility first to God and then to the children. A unique feeling that cannot be expressed in words. Alina, 38 years old, 3 children
- A wonderful gift from the Lord! Flore, 33 years old, 1 child
- For me, being a mother is a great responsibility, but also a source of joy. It humbles me when I receive their unconditional and pure love from children, even though I am not a perfect mother. Their love and trust pushes me not to disappoint them. Andreea S., 32 years old, 3 children
- It is a great grace from the Lord to be a mother and a great responsibility. Rebeca, 35 years old, 2 children
- I feel that the greatest responsibility I have as a mom is to teach my children about God and to instill in their hearts a love for Him. That one day when I stand before Him, I can say without shame, ‘ Here are the children that you gave me.’ That they can be with Him eternally in Heaven. That I will have no regrets on that day. That my life may be an example to them. This is my greatest prayer and desire. I also wish to provide for them a loving and warm home where they can feel safe. That no place no earth can be as inviting as their own home. All of this I know I cannot do by my own strength but I pray to God for his guidance and help. He has been faithful up to this day. Nydia, 30 years old, 3 children
- For me, being a mother is an honor and yet a huge responsibility. It’s beautiful and hard. It’s a combination of feelings and feelings. But, it’s good, it’s good with the Lord! Andreea R., 33 years old, 3 children
- Being a mother is a calling, a hard job I would say, I don’t feel worthy of it at all. But being a Christian mother is the most beautiful thing on earth! Denisa, 30 years old, 2 children
- After the birth of the first child, I would have said that it is so beautiful to be a mother, to have a cute baby with whom to fill your time pleasantly … but now, with each passing day, I realize what a great job God has entrusted to us. , making us partakers of His creation, with the responsibilities that this entails. Roxana, 40 years old, 4 children
5. What do you think is the hardest challenge in the “job” of a mother?
- Fight with raising the voice at children! Mother, 34 years old, 3 children
- Stay consistent no matter the situation. Alina, 38 years old, 3 children
- When I have to be a good example for my child, and I’m not. Flore, 33 years old, 1 child
- The biggest challenge at the moment is to give them the attention they need, when they are very busy with housework. To listen to them when they tell me what’s on their mind and not to rush them or listen to them halfway because I’m in a hurry. I always think that maybe the day will come when I want to listen to them, but they won’t be as open. Children need to know that they can open up to their parents. And this they will learn from “experience”. Andreea S, 32 years old, 3 children
- To teach my children the true way of the Lord and to show them the love of Jesus every day through me. Rebeca, 35 years old, 2 children
- At times the responsibility can feel overwhelming and when I see the mistakes I have made, I am tempted to feel that I am a failure. But, that is an attack from Satan. He likes to show us our weaknesses and make us feel useless. With God we can be more than conquerers. We have the privilege of going to Him with all our needs, weaknesses and fast failures and He makes everthing new every time we ask Him and plead for his forgiveness and help. May I never take my eyes off Him. Someone once taught me that a happy home is not necessarily a clean perfect home. Sometimes as a mother one has to close an eye to untidiness and be willing for things to not always be so perfect as one would like. Happy children make a happy home! There is a time and a place for everthing. Then also there is the danger of not cherishing every moment. Time flies by so quickly and they grow up so fast that one wants to stop the time and just hold them tightly and tell them how much one loves them. But, sometimes we can be so busy doing our tasks that such a precious moment goes by. Nydia, 30 years old, 3 children
- There are many challenges: from disciplining them to shaping their character as God wants… it’s not easy. However, a big challenge is to notice how much and how well our chlidren copy us the parents !!! So what a huge role (I would say almost decisive) we have in their lives. Andreea R, 33 years old, 3 children
- My challenge as a mother is clear, the child’s education. Denisa, 30 years old, 2 children
- I think the biggest challenge is the “personal corner” that God has to grind in the life of every mother. (For me, I think it’s the power to keep me gentle with children and when things don’t go well I would have wished, when fatigue would have a say, etc …) Roxana, 40 years old, 4 children
6. Do you think that success or failure in a child’s life can be influenced by his mother?
- 100% Mother, 34 years old, 3 children
- Yes, of course! But there are exceptions. Alina, 38 years old, 3 children
- Definitely yes! The mother must be a good model in the child’s life. Flore, 33 years old, 1 child
- Yes of course! I think my mother has a great influence on the formation of a man. She is the one with whom he mainly spends the first years of his life. It can influence his spirituality, thinking and behavior towards others. It is not in vain that we talk about the “7 years at home”. Andreea S, 32 years old, 3 children
- Surely! Rebeca, 35 years old, 2 children
- Yes, of course! The mother’s example and prayers are of major, decisive importance. Andreea R., 33 years old, 3 children
- That’s definitely why I think it’s a high job. Denisa, 30 years old, 2 children
- I believe that the mother’s influence can be the beginning of success or failure in a child’s life. Roxana, 40 years old, 4 children
7. How do you like to caress your children?
- We caressed them “wonderful”. Mother, 34 years old, 3 children
- Mouse, puppy, dwarf, chick, his beautiful mother, monkey. Alina, 38 years old, 3 children
- My baby, Bubi (love) 😁, my beautiful angel. Flore, 33 years old, 1 child
- I kiss and hug them, I tell them I love them several times a day. When I call them, I caress them with an abbreviation of their full name. I try to show them love by doing something special for each of them, something I know is important to them. Andreea S., 32 years old, 3 children
- Prince is Sara, then my boyfriend and girlfriend, my love! Wonderful! You are wonderful! What a miracle! The treasure! … Rebeca, 35 years old, 2 children
- Isăcel (Isaac), baby Iona, dwarf (Jonathan), baby Ana, Anusca, Ani (Ana). Andreea R., 33 years old, 3 children
- My bubulina, donut, little bug, my chick, my darling. Denisa, 30 years old, 2 children
- When they were little, we sometimes caressed “my fluffy donut” because they were fat 😊. Now … I don’t caress them anymore. Possibly using a diminutive of the name. Roxana, 40 years old, 4 children
8. Do you think it is important for a mother to instill the love of God in her own children? Why?
- Yes, because if they understand this path as children, they will be blessed and happy. Mother, 34 years old, 3 children
- Yes, of course, because in the first years of life that is imprinted on a child, it stays / marks life. And when the child is older, he will remember his mother’s teachings and in most cases he will follow them. Alina, 38 years old, 3 children
- Yes, the mother has a special relationship with her children, is warmer to talk about, and knows how to talk to children about God. Flore, 33 years ago, 1 child
- Yes of course! The life of a godly mother is perhaps the most impactful sermon that that child will encounter in life. If he practically sees that the gospel really works in her life, he will breathe daily from the eternal and pure truth. I believe that young children should be exposed to the truth of the Bible, to know the Word of God. This will have a lasting impact on their lives. As with Timothy, his mother and grandmother exposed him to the Word of God from an early age, and Paul explicitly gave them credit for it. Andreea S., 32 years old, 3 children
- It is very important! Children need love to grow mentally in a healthy way, they need to understand and feel God’s love so that they can develop spiritually healthy. They need the love of God to come to have a real relationship with Him. To know God truly and to desire to receive Him as Lord and Savior and then abide in Him. Rebeca, 35 years old, 2 children
- Yes, of course! Parents are responsible for their children’s first contact with God – by reading them from the Bible, Christian stories, talking about Him, praying, singing, and showing Him by their example of living. Woe to us if we do not pass on God in His pure, unaltered form. Not to say one, but to do another. Andreea R., 33 years old, 3 children
- Yes, because the love and affection of the Lord Jesus is an ingredient that makes the child grow beautiful and in turn love the Lord in the same way. Denisa, 30 years old, 2 children
- God is the one who showed us and teaches us what love is; that is why we must instill in children this love, without which it would not grow harmoniously. Roxana, 40 years old, 4 children
9. What is the best thing a mother can teach her children?
- To obey their parents and so they will learn to obey God, always. Mother, 34 years old, 3 children
- Listening! Alina, 38 years old, 3 children
- To love God! Flore, 33 years old, 1 child
- The most important thing a mother can teach her children is to love God and people. This will be done both through speech, but especially through practice. To this day I am left with an urge to buy things from the poor people on the street, because I learned from my mother, when she bought withered flowers, many bouquets of parsley and then froze them, and many others. things I knew for sure she didn’t need, but she wanted to help, to show love to those troubled people. Andreea S., 32 years old, 3 children
- The best thing is to teach children about God and to be an example of living with Him. Rebeca, 35 years old, 2 children
- The best thing is: to be able to live God so beautifully and brightly that children are infected, in love with Him. To teach the child thanksgiving, obedience, and obedience to God is more than any earthly treasure. Andreea R., 33 years old, 3 children
- Fear of God. Denisa, 30 years old, 2 children
- It is good for every mother to teach the child the fear of God. Roxana, 40 years old, 4 children
10. What do you think is a mother’s duty?
- To show God in their lives! Mother, 34 years old, 3 children
- To raise his child and give him a good education in the light he has. Alina, 38 years old, 3 children
- To teach her children the way of the Lord. Flore, 33 years old, 1 child
- It is a mother’s duty first to receive the truth, love, and wisdom from God, and then to pass it on to the children. You can’t pass on what you don’t have. Her primary duty is to be right. Andreea S., 32 years old, 3 children
- To pray for her children, to teach them about God and how to get to know Him personally. That’s the spiritual part. But before that and somehow braided to fight to be able to provide her children with everything necessary for life: a home, clothes, food, education …. here we are talking about mothers who are healthy and can take care of children. Rebeca, 35 years old, 2 children
- We have a sacred duty, in addition to the earthly, namely, to transmit Christ, to influence him in this regard so that they too may be His disciples. Andreea R., 33 years old, 3 children
- To raise her child in such a way that he will one day choose to be a citizen of heaven. Denisa, 30 years old, 2 children
- A mother has many duties, but the most sacred duty is to show the Lord to her children (through her life and on every occasion in the events of their lives). Roxana, 40 years old, 4 children
11. What would you like your child to remember about you when you are gone?
- My love! Mother, 34 years old, 3 children
- Faithfulness! Alina, 38 years old, 3 children
- That I was a faithful, loving, good mother❤️. Flore, 33 years old, 1 child
- I would like them to remember me, as proof that they deserve to trust God. To remember courage and love. Andreea S., 32 years old, 3 children
- My mother was a woman who loved Jesus and sought Him with all her heart. She was a woman who talked about Jesus and lived with Jesus. She also taught us to seek Him and have a relationship with Him. My mother loved us and always sought in all things to direct our gaze to Jesus! This is what I want my children to have in mind after I go to the Lord! Rebeca, 35 years old, 2 children
- Let them remember what I remember fondly of my mother. That she lived serving others, so she served God Himself! Andreea R., 33 years old, 3 children
- I would like them to remember that their mother loved the Lord Jesus and lived for Him, so they will have the living hope of seeing Him again in Glory. Denisa, 30 years old, 2 children
- … the mother remained steadfast in the Way of the Lord. Roxana, 40 years old, 4 children
Questions remain open for any mom who wants to answers.
You can write in the box below!
* you don’t have to consider yourself a perfect mother to answer, but we would just be happy to hear the opinion of other sincere and open mothers 🙂
With great joy,