You’ve probably wondered what it can be just for you, haven’t you?
Well, we were thinking of wishing you “Happy Birthday!” for your birthday, in the most original form possible for us, just for you!
For this we need you to tell us when is your birthday, what is your name and an email address or a phone number where to send you our surprise.
If you want (after celebrating your birthday) you can even send us a picture of your birthday, together with your friends and / or family. And we will post, on our blog, the most pretty ones.
You can send us all this through the form below or on our email address and we will add your birthday to our calendar.
We hope you enjoy the idea as much as we love it 🙂
With joy,
Oana and the happy dwarfs
Roșca Isaac – 30.06.2016 – adresa de email a mamei
Viorica P, 25 ianuarie 2013
Bună, Vio!
Am luat aminte la cererea ta și, așa cum am promis😉, ți-am trimis urarea noastră pe emailul pe care ni l-ai pus la dispoziție.
La mulți ani!
Sa ai parte de o zi cât mai deosebita!