Posted in Just for you, KIDS O' CLOCK

Isaac, 4 years

Isaac was blogged by his mother to receive a special birthday wish from us. We, the team of happy dwarfs, got together and sent our encouragement in audio format. We do not present them to you, because they were only for him. 🙂 Congratulations to Isaac and Jonathan! We thank God for you and we […]

Posted in Good night story, KIDS O' CLOCK

How did the world start?

La început, Dumnezeu a creat cerurile şi pământul. Pământul nu avea formă şi era gol, iar Duhul lui Dumnezeu plutea peste ape. Dumnezeu a zis: – Să fie lumină! A numit lumina „zi“, iar întunericul l-a numit „noapte“. Acestea s-au întâmplat în prima zi a creaţiei.