Posted in Big words for a small day, KIDS O' CLOCK

Who will you feed?

A good friend of mine once told me that two wolves live in each of us. Yes, you heard well – two wolves! One white and one black.

Since then I’ve been thinking about these two wolves … Hm, what comes first in your mind when you hear the word “wolf”?


I know wolves are always hungry. I recently read that when the wolf hunts, it does not even wait for the animal it hunted to die, but begins to eat it as soon as it has managed to kill it. If they can’t find food for a long time, they start eating those who are weaker, older or sicker in their own pack. Cruel and ruthless!

Besides the fact that it scares me, I still like wolves because they are sociable. They live together in a pack and are not alone.

But, let’s talk about these two wolves in my heart and yours.

The white wolf

lup alb

The white wolf is gentle, calm, will always encourage you to stay clean. He represents all that is good in you. He will always whisper words of encouragement to you: You can! Do not give up! You are perfect as you are! Your nose is good, your eyes are beautiful! Tomorrow will be a better day! Look up at the sky and don’t be discouraged! And on top of all that, he is content with your company.

The black wolf

lup negru

The black wolf is agitated, impatient, not content with a little, but always wants what he doesn’t have … He will constantly take care to remind you, what you don’t have, what you can’t. You are too tall, you are too brunette, you are too poor, you are too serious, you are too fat … He does not like your company, he is always preoccupied with having control in your heart. And not only that, but be sure that he will not be left alone, but will bring with him all kinds of wolves from his pack.

haita de lupi

I said, “If he takes control,” because you and I can decide which of these two wolves will be stronger in us. The one we feed more will be stronger, and the other will become weaker and weaker until he dies.

What do these wolves in my heart feed on?

lup alb bland

The white wolf feeds on love, kindness, prayer, obedience to parents, patience, songs, hope, faith in God, all kinds of good things and deeds.

lup negru nervos

The black wolf feeds on hatred, jealousy, envy, impatience, ugly images, disobedience, fighting between siblings, dirty words, inappropriate jokes, mockery of other weaker children.

Which of these two wolves have you fed so far?

Or, which one will you feed from now on?

If you choose to feed the white wolf, it will take care of your heart, it will be gentle with you, it will help you when you are sad, it will support you when you have a problem, it will make you obedient to your parents and friendly with those around you, loving with your brothers, it will make you happy.

If you feed the black wolf, it will destroy your heart. It will come with its whole pack of dirty and bad friends, who will make you sad through all the bad things they will make you do: quarrel, anger, lie … He will not care about your suffering, he will not take care of your needs, but he will always seek to destroy you and your family.

I can’t wait to hear the answer to the questions I asked you above. You can leave us your answer in the section below 🙂

With joy,
Oana and the happy dwarfs

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